Politics of "Prisma Electric", aimed at creating long-term relationships with partners, is fully reflected in the company's approach to services of supplied systems.

In "Prisma Electric" established service center, which experts provide warranty and service support of customer's objects. Of experts to arrange for expedited technical support: in an emergency service, workers are coming to the object determine the cause of the accident and its’ ways to eliminate.

Service center Prisma ElectricService center Prisma ElectricService center Prisma Electric

Given the availability of an extensive warehouse (electrical parts largest store in eastern Ukraine) various equipment from the terminal equipment to the circuit breakers on the current 630 A - service support of such organization can eliminate the problem as soon as possible.

Collaborating with the company clients have the possibility of concluding a contract for after-sales service. This service was provided after repeated requests from customers who do not have the staff profile.

Post-warranty service is a contractual relationship under the conditions that determine: the volume of services provided, frequency of visits to customer site, including of consumables in production costs (for example, replacement motor circuit bracer in the control cabinet or starter contacts), additional services (for example, updating / changing code of the executable program of the automation system over the Internet or setting the frequency converter).