“Prisma Electric” has carried out the electric supply system of “Zdorovie” pharmaceutical production unit.
The result of modernization of pharmaceutical manufacturing electric supply system has become the power increasing and growth of enterprise`s electric supply system stability. During all the works “Prisma Electric” has manufactured and distributed modern switchboard room equipment which varies by enhance reliability and safety, which is easy-to-use and demands less cost-to-serve and repair process.
Gennadii Iakovlevich Gaevskii, Marketing Director of “Prisma Electric”, says: «Pharmaceutical enterprise “Zdorovie”, that is one of the leaders in this field, which takes 4th place among Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturers in sales volume. In 2013-2014 that plant has carried out the complex modernization of manufacturing facilities due to GMP requirements which were the basis for “Prisma Electric” specialists to carry out all works of re-equipment of electric supply system of the production unit on turnkey basis».
During that works the power of the substation was increased and our specialists distributed the module substation of 2x2500 kVA and carried out the power rail system with120 m dimension.
«Our specialist have experience in the field of pharmaceutical enterprise`s electric supply system and are very knowledgeable in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, - Gennadii Iakovlevich continues. The stream-lining of production, full-time intensive cargo traffic didn`t give the possibility to use traditional methods of current-carrying elements installation. Our team used the trenchless electric cable laying under the roadway surfacing».